Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Let's see...where did I leave this?  Oh, yes, God had just gotten P'd O (the literally correct abbreviation for what the hoi polloi call po'd) and drowned the world.  Except, of course, for the most honorable and faithful Noah and family.  Noah...who, as soon as he knew it was drunk and knocked up his daughters.


God was real big on destroying His own creations.  (Remind you of a precocious, self-centered two year old?)
Take a look at Sodom and Gomorrah.  God decided to wipe out all them there evil folk and once again He's going to let His one faithful servant, Lot, survive.  So He sends down a couple of angels to warn Lot.  Lot meets them on the street and says, "Hey, cool.  Come on over to the pad for a cold one and lets talk about this."  The angels (who, you should remember, are immortal.  As in, they're not worried about where they're going to get a hot dog or a place to sleep, and muggers just aren't a realistic concern) say they're fine on the street, but Lot insists that they drop by the house.
So, they do, being polite angels of destruction that they are.  Now, seems the townspeople saw the strangers and went over to Lots demanding to know just who the heck they were; wanted them to come out and explain themselves. 
So what does Lot do?  Not wanting these indestructible angels to be inconvenienced in any way, Lot sends his virgin daughters out to the crowd and tells the crowd to have fun with them.  Just don't bother the visitors...who couldn't be harmed by the crowd in a million years.
Ain't religion fun?  How would YOU like to be the daughter of a righteous man like Lot?