Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Religion and Politics

I am, as previously noted, an atheist.  When I describe myself politically as a republican I often get some weird looks.  "How can you be an atheist and a republican?" I am asked.  I usually respond by asking, "How could anyone possibly be a Christian and a member of the republican party?"  Examine the teachings of The Christ.  He directed that all goods are to be held in common.  The very origin of the expression "From each according to their abilities; to each according to their needs" is Christian teachings.  Some of our first colonies, in fact, were founded as communistic experiments; those being the Puritan/Pilgrim colonies.  It wasn't until those colonies embraced the capitalistic beliefs of private ownership of property, individual wealth attained for individual effort, and the like that our country began to grow and prosper.

So I believe we should all disabuse ourselves of the notion that a person's religion can determine the person's political beliefs.  It is also my belief that Christians have no business in the Republican party.

Note: this is just a stub article.  My thoughts and ideas haven't been fully developed and i'm sure i will want to rephrase what I already have.  I jst post this as is for now so that anyone following will get an idea where I am coming from.  (Later, David!  lol)

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